To be completely honest, I do not think we spent enough time with citations and sources in our class discussions. When peer reviewing other’s papers, I did not see consistency across the board about what the MLA formatting was supposed to look like, and I don’t think this was covered in class. However, these discussion within peer groups helped me personally develop on how to properly format my papers and my citations. It is clear though, looking at my chosen work sample, that errors in this area are a pretty low priority for me. These were not addressed until a pretty late draft of my essay.  While not present in my CWS, other essays of mine would show MLA and citation edits referenced by my peers when they reviewed my paper.

On the topic of sentence errors, I feel that I have a pretty good intuition for these. Proper grammar is something I notice and address as I am writing even a rough draft. This likely comes from prior experienced I have had in helping edit papers in high school, but I think it is something not particularly notable in my drafts. One thing I did notice though, was a tendency during peer reviews to want to address this in my peers’ essays, when they likely would have been able to fix these errors on their own and just prioritized them differently than I do. Unfortunately, I also observed some peers commenting on my papers about sentence level confusion or punctuation type errors that actually were not present. While any opportunity to write is development in both of these areas, I personally feel that the development of MLA style writing and citing along with simple sentence errors were not emphasized in this class. I would not consider this a bad thing at all, for I have found my writing grow in several other areas that I would consider
